“The bottom line is to listen to each other. That’s the spirit of this project. “ -Border Tuner, Rafael Lozano -Hemmer
Everything rests on Relationship
Thank you for visiting. When we receive your info, someone will get back to you as quickly as possible.
With family commitments, we’re available for speaking engagements on a limited basis to maintain a healthy travel rhythm. When possible, and with our employer’s approval, we’re open to adding an extra day or two over a weekend if combined with other work commitments in the same city or region.
Due to our family’s current age and stage, we’re not always able to travel together. When possible, please consider a request for travel for two, allowing either us or a friend to accompany. We find great wisdom in the ancient Scriptures to journey in pairs—for accompaniment, accountability, and shared leadership.
We have no set fee for speaking or coaching and are open to meeting with groups at no cost when needed. Understanding that resources can be limited for nonprofits and congregations, we never want funding to be a barrier for you or your group. Where possible, please consider a freewill offering or donation if our meeting involves a request for extended time, speaking, or coaching.
If you happen to be in El Paso, TX, we’d be honored to meet with you or host your group when possible. Please fill out the form to help us better understand your goals. We’d love to connect!